2024 Kathi in Napoli, Tue April 30, 2024

On my way to class for day 2. I'm looking back towards my apartment up the stairs and a bit down that street. It's just past the yellow building, but on the right side.

Last night I heard some extremely loud sounds that made me wonder if a major electrical cable was sparking outside my kitchen balcony. There were bright flashes and booms.
The picture is of the boxes for the firecrackers that were set off. Pre-holiday celebration? They were very loud and not expected, especially happening around 10pm and lasting 15-20 minutes?
I was introduced to "wordwall.net" which is a website housing a community of teachers, students, and formats for developing language materials. I've since joined and made my own games for practicing verb endings.

Below are example ad hoc pictures used for telling a story of my choice my teacher used from wordwall.net for Italian.
I had used these types of pictures for today's lesson and took pictures of a few more to use for homework and writing.
I'm a fan of colorful kids' books for learning a language. It started in Japan as their books were very appealing.
I thought I might want a kids' dictionary in Italian, so I made sure to take pictures to keep track of what was available.