2024 Kathi in Napoli, Fri May 03, 2024

Waking up better now. Up by 8, so futzed around a bit then left by 9 to get cash at a bank with a "safe" ATM. This one had a policeman behind glass facing the ATM. (Hope the other ATM I tried to use wasn't bad. No notice of it yet.)
Got to school but out of sorts. This path towards Italian was not my original thought. Read a few kids books while waiting for my class to start. I need a library where I can sit and read book after book - like one could at home.
Enzo was late so got less time for my private. I spoke in Italian - am getting better - about my exploration, then he showed me various places to visit.
We did another exercise building an ad hoc story using random verbs he gave me, then giving me a cue for adding additional phrases until he repeated the whole long sentence and I was supposed to repeat after him.
Two more people are supposed to join me next week - hope they are well along on grammar. I still need to improve my verb endings recall speed so I can use them. Dropped the money off with Fabio on the second floor of my building. He seemed eager to talk but doesn't know English really. I was still adjusting, so didn't want to try speaking Italian much. Went home and had a low moment, then watched part of the one movie I had been willing to download from the school's 5G wifi. Went to Deco for more food and picked up some strawberries from a street vendor on the way back. Made dinner and watched more of the movie I had downloaded at school once I found out that the community room had a fast wifi with password. I had downloaded a few of my favorite YT "Fairytales" in Italian while at school, but I forgot that the Italian subtitles don't download too. Got a hold of Chris for a short talk - first live one since being here, though it was a bit spotty at times.
Home after to eat strawberries and watch the end of a movie I downloaded while at school. Read a bit more of the end of Fire in the Deep.