2024 Kathi in Napoli, Thu May 02, 2024

Sleep was better but still woke up about 6:30 and then awake for hr+ then awake at 8:45. Went to Deutsch Bank but the machine was not doing withdraws. Gaia mentioned another one and then my teacher gave me a third option ... 3 min from school (around back).
Found book by Kondo and checked it out.
Private was good. We did exceptions for present tense - should know it all! from 1 year ago, just didn't want to memorize. :-/ And didn't finish my language game.
Didn't walk directly home and got poured on. There is an activity today but I'm not going in the rain.
Interestingly many umbrellas in front of P. Michele seen on way home. Everyone waiting for pizza.
I decided to consider a hotel for Tues next week for a different view, wifi, warm shower, couch, more room, brighter, etc.
I spent the afternoon reading some of the Kondo book and the Gatto/topo book (on Capitol Sesto).
We were supposed to go to a lookout but it was raining. I didn't see my school Whatsapp until near 3pm, so I didn't get the message, about another potential location. I was a bit overwhelmed by the difference between what I had envisioned and what I was doing.
I did find a way to open the second bedroom windows so light could come in and I could sit on the broken bed.
I started to leave but it seemed like it was going to rain so I just made due with what I had at home to eat.
I read most of the rest of Fire in the Deep I had started at home weeks before.
Checking the school website, I found out that instructors made 28€ for a 45m zoom private. I might be able to continue with Enzo. He mentioned an older student in HI that he's been working with for two years at 7pm. Maybe I could do 8? That's 11am for me. If I do 2x per week with Cecilia, and Sat that would be a lot of Italian. I want a bookclub.

My kitchen balcony

This door opens off my kitchen.