2024 Kathi in Napoli


Work in progress

I (Kathi) am currently (6/24/24) working through each day to include most of the content. I then need to edit for flow and be able to include other thoughts as I see the entire work. So, what is here are pictures with a few days of mildly edited commentary and other days with pictures and comments Chris included when seeing the pictures himself.

I have a lot to do, so now is not the best time to see my section of the website. I still need to figure out which ideas to put where and how to fit my notes in with my thoughts created by the pictures.

Chris came up with an entry format that I can use for the initial input. Afterwards I need to be able to see the whole thing once I’m done and make more detailed improvements using a different process once everything is mostly entered in the first run.

I think it will be another month or two.

Trip Overview

I (Kathi) had planned to take 3 weeks of language lessons in May 2020 at the Alliance Française in Marseille just before Covid closed everything. I liked the idea of doing an intensive language study of some sort and still wanted to try one. The idea of visiting Italy again came up and I thought of trying one there.

An Italian YT language teacher I was following grew up in Napoli, so I checked out what was available in that city. I picked the school with the best reviews and signed up. I had also heard of the Amalfi Coast and various other nearby cities, so I was primed to try out that area.

After we visited with Joe & Bridget at the beginning of our trip, I flew from Zurich to Napoli, met up with the owner of the apartment I was renting, and started classes the next day.

My first week included a national holiday, Labor Day, so there were only 4 days at school. On the last day of my third week, Chris came back from Greece and we spent a few days touring the other side of Mt. Vesuvius — Amalfi coast, Salerno, Sorrento, etc. until he had to ride back to Milano to drop off the scooter and I met up with him again by train. The next day we left for the trip back to The States, starting with Indiana to see our youngest daughter’s graduation from Rose Hulman, before continuing on home.

click a calendar day to see daily details

Note: calendar days are clickable to see each day of the trip
day 0 day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day 6 day 7 day 8 day 9 day 10 day 11 day 12 day 13 day 14 day 15 day 16 day 17 day 18 day 19

Some hilights

This is a quick slideshow of about 20 of my favorite pics from the trip.
It's a lot shorter than going through all several hundred pictures of the full site.
Please enjoy!


It was an adventure for me with the experience being rather different than my expectations. Fortunately, even though I had some frustrations with the school, I made some progress and have an understanding of how to continue my study — for the next trip to Italy.

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